
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hate Crime

From Catholic World News
By Diogenes

A pro-life activist is dead. The man who shot him says that he wanted to kill the man because of his pro-life signs. But thanks to the First Amendment-- not the "emanations from the penumbra" but the words of the amendment itself-- it's legal to hold up signs even when some people dislike those signs.

So I'm sure that within a matter of hours liberal politicians will:

  • Denounce the murder of James Pouillon as a hate crime.
  • Call for heavier penalties on criminals who assault pro-lifers.
  • Insist that abortion advocates tone down their rhetoric to avoid inflaming passions against pro-lifers.
  • Suggest sensitivity training in public schools to help children understand pro-life activists.
  • Introduce protective legislation establishing a 25-foot "bubble zone" around pro-life activists to protect them from aggressive rivals.

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