
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Homeschooling German Family Now Facing Deportation

As you may have already read, the Romeike family fled their native Germany because as Evangelical Christians they do not approve of what their children were learning in government schools, and laws dating to the Nazi regime prohibit them from homeschooling. With the help of the Home School Legal Defense Association, they settled in Morristown, Tennessee, where an immigration judge granted them asylum.

However, the Romeike family aren't Muslims with connections to a radical mosque, or part of a Mexican drug cartel, so Obama administration thugs are now appealing their asylum and seeking to return the family to Germany where, under that nation's laws, their children can be taken from them and placed in foster homes.

Whether viewed from a homeschool or a state-run institution, it is quite a lesson about what has become of America's "golden door" and the land of "liberty and justice for all."

From Time
By Tristana Moore

The Romeikes are not your typical asylum seekers. They did not come to the U.S. to flee war or despotism in their native land. No, these music teachers left Germany because they didn't like what their children were learning in public school - and because homeschooling is illegal there.

"It's our fundamental right to decide how we want to teach our children," says Uwe Romeike, an Evangelical Christian and a concert pianist who sold his treasured Steinway to help pay for the move.

Romeike decided to uproot his family in 2008 after he and his wife had accrued about $10,000 in fines for homeschooling their three oldest children and police had turned up at their doorstep and escorted them to school. "My kids were crying, but nobody seemed to care," Romeike says of the incident.

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