
Monday, March 8, 2010

Massa Details Naked Shower Fight With 'Son of the Devil's Spawn'

Rahm Emanuel, 'Son of the Devil's Spawn'

It's now becoming clear that Representative Eric Massa's problems and his sudden resignation from Congress are the result of blackmail by White House thug-in-chief Rahm Emanuel. It is intended as a lesson, no doubt, to any other Democrats who might be tempted to represent their constituents rather than rubber stamp the Marxist agenda for America prepared by the Obama administration.

And if this is what they are willing to do to one of their own, a Democrat representing the most Republican district in New York State, imagine what these racketeers will do to win the next election!

From Fox News

Embattled Rep. Eric Massa used his final hours in office to settle scores with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and other Democrats he claims are pushing him out of office to clear the way for health care reform.

It sounds like the kind of bad dream that only congressmen have -- White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, stark naked, approaches you in the locker room to give you a piece of his mind for not supporting the president's budget.

Only this actually happened, according to Rep. Eric Massa, the embattled New York Democrat who resigned Monday and used his last hours in office to settle some scores with party leaders.

He reserved his most excoriating stuff for Emanuel, whom he called "son of the devil's spawn" on his weekly radio show Sunday.

"He is an individual who would sell his mother to get a vote. He would strap his children to a front end of a steam locomotive," Massa said. Illustrating his point, he told the story of how he winded up in an argument with the chief of staff while they were both naked in the congressional gym showers.

Massa said Emanuel came up to him last year, shortly after he entered Congress, while he was trying to clean up to give him grief about a budget vote.

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