
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Netanyahu to Biden: We Don't Need America

Israel didn't just spit in Joe Biden's face last week. It jeopardized America's willingness to protect it from Iran.

Avi Ohayon / Getty Images
Thanks But No Thanks: Biden came offering a deal; Bibi balked.

From Newsweek
By Aluf Benn

Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Israel last week was rightly hailed as a catastrophe—but not because of settlements. After a tense year in which Washington had failed to stop Prime Minister Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu from settling more occupied land, Biden had come to shore up the relationship. Instead, officials in Netanyahu's government caught both men off guard by announcing plans to build more in contested East Jerusalem. True, that was a snafu. But the real disaster was what it may cost Israel. Biden had come to offer not just friendship, but support (and protection) against Iran—Israel's greatest bogeyman—in exchange for a few concessions from Netanyahu. Instead, he got a finger in the eye.

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