
Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Hampshire Rallies for Chance to Vote on Marriage

Every single ballot initiative on same-sex "marriage" has upheld the definition of marriage as a union of one man and one woman. Despite all the noise, hate, anti-Christian bigotry, threats and disordered rage that will emanate from homosexualists and their anti-Christian hate bloggers over yet another referendum, at the end of the day the people of New Hampshire, like those in 30 other states, will affirm God's natural law.

From OneNewsNow
By Charlie Butts

homosexual marriageMany New Hampshire towns have sent a message to the legislature, voicing the desire to vote on the issue of same-sex "marriage."

The state legislature recently legalized homosexual marriage after balking at giving voters a chance to vote on a constitutional amendment defining marriage in the traditional way of being between one man and one woman. State Representative David Bates notes the issue was on the agenda in recent town hall meetings throughout the state, and 38 towns have already passed the measure.

David Bates (NH state rep)"The results of the vote statewide showed over 60 percent of the public is in favor of having the opportunity to vote on the constitutional amendment," he reports.

The state representative considers the results to be compelling, and he suggests they demonstrate what his premise was to begin with.

"The people of New Hampshire are not happy with the change of the law to redefine marriage, and they want the opportunity to vote on this constitutional amendment as 30 other states have done," he contends.

What impact that has on the legislature remains to be seen, but Representative Bates says he is so encouraged by the vote that he will resubmit legislation to take the issue to the voters. He says success depends entirely on New Hampshire residents pressuring lawmakers to vote yes.

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