
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nicaraguan University Students Rescued from Potential Human Trafficking Scenario

Free for Life International, a U.S. anti-trafficking organization, met last week with Nicaragua's new Ministry of Families Director Marcia Ramirez Mercado to discussed the issue of human trafficking in Nicaragua. Director Mercado stated at that time that Nicaragua is stepping up their efforts in the fight against human trafficking. Evidence of this fact appeared two days later when a couple was arrested in Managua for attempting to sex traffic several University students from Nicaragua into Guatemala and Mexico. The girls, primarily minors, were lured with the promise of appearing in several of Latin America's most prominent magazines.

Director Marcia Ramirez Mercado has recently been appointed Ministry of Families Director in Nicaragua. In this position a key part of her duties will include the oversight of governmental efforts against human trafficking in Nicaragua. Colette and Dr. Daniel Bercu, founders of Free for Life International, along with directors of Nicoya & Friends Mission were honored to meet with her last week to talk about their work concerning human trafficking. The discussion included the future placement of minor victims into the shelter, efforts the Nicaraguan government is making in the fight against trafficking, and a potential collaboration concerning awareness and victim services with Free for Life International.

Free for Life International, a Tennessee based 501c3 nonprofit organization, has made it their mission to partner with those around the world in the rescue, restoration and reintegration of trafficking survivors. Nicoya and Friends Mission, a shelter for minor age trafficking victims in Nicaragua, is one of these shelters. They are one of the only designated shelters in Nicaragua set up for minor sex trafficking victims and are providing a place of love and restoration for these young women.

The U.S. State Department's 2009 Trafficking In Persons Report places Nicaragua on a Tier 2 Watch List, stating that the government of Nicaragua does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking. However, they also state that they are making significant efforts to do so.

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