
Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Special Notice to Our Readers Regarding Alleged Threats to Obama Fellow Travelers

Personally Opposed, But ...

In recent days we have posted stories about alleged threats of violence to socialists supporting Obama's Marxist agenda. We believe that most, if not all these stories are fabricated by the left, as some have already proven to be.

Whether such stories are true or not, we we want to assure you, our readers, that we are personally opposed to all violence against those who subvert the United States Constitution and undermine our country. However, we believe such violence toward that lot is a personal choice, and we will not attempt to impose our views on others.


  1. Dan, that is the best and funniest damn thing I've seen all year! Good for you and keep up the good work.



  2. Thanks and glad you enjoyed it, Rob.

    For the "right to choose,"


  3. Well said indeed, but unfortunately the irony will be lost on those who are of the extreme left. They are so firmly in the intellectual grip of their ideology that anything that does not serve the socialist world view they espouse is deemed "fascism," whether it is a portion of the U.S. Constitution or an individual who is politically effective in countering their brand of Marxism. Any and all attacks, both legal and illegal, is justified in their warped view of things.

    Remember this, if they feel they need to, they will kill you if they can.
