
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Correction Regarding Christina Jeffrey - She's Had 7 Campaign Managers

A file photo of Dean Allen (No. 7) talking with Newt Gingrich, who fired Jeffrey from her position as House Historian. The stories they will be able to share!

It has been called to our attention that our story about the many campaign managers of Christina Jeffrey - or more aptly, those who attempted to manage the campaign of Christina Jeffrey -- was incorrect. We had written that Dean Allen is Christina Jeffrey's 6th campaign manager. However, we were unaware of her first campaign manager, a gentleman with whom she began to collaborate on a book.

Therefore Dean Allen, who had attempted to run for SC Adjutant General but failed to file, is Christina Jeffrey's 7th campaign manager in less than one year.

Perhaps 7 will be a lucky number for them both. Mr. Allen is hoping to gin up for Dr. Jeffrey the kind of national publicity he received for his own "Machine Gun Social." But we are reminded of a quote from Margaret Thatcher: "They have never learned what every woman knows:- you can't make a soufflé rise twice"


  1. Daniel,

    You may know the answer to this. I'm only asking of of interest (I'm still researching the candidates for the 4th CD seat and am not supporting anyone yet).

    On Christina's bio on her website it says that she attends an "evangelical Catholic church" in Greenville, SC. I'm a Catholic in the Upstate and am familiar with all the Catholic Churches in Greenville. Which one is she talking about?

    There are seven Roman Catholic Churches in Greenville County and then there is the new Eastern Rite Catholic Church in Greer. Apparently there is such a thing called "Evangelical Catholic" if you believe Wikipedia.

    Actually I thought Christina attended St. Paul's in Spartanburg, at least I used to see her there.

  2. Mike,

    I am very glad that you asked about this, and I have been thinking about posting on this very matter. As with all those various candidates she supposedly did or did not support in 2008, this is another shameful example of how Christina Jeffrey attempts to twist the truth and deceive.

    She is a registered member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville, where her husband sings in the choir. She does, however, sometimes attend St. Paul's in Spartanburg.

    By saying that she belongs to an evangelical Catholic Church, Jeffrey is attempting to suggest to some who may not read carefully, that she is an Evangelical Protestant. Most candidates would simply say I'm a Catholic, or a Methodist, or a Baptist, or that one belongs to whatever particular church they have chosen. But this is a perfect example of how Jeffrey, who thinks she is smarter than the rest of the world, tries to put one over on people.

    The very distinguished pastor of St. Mary's, Father Jay Scott Newman, takes very seriously Pope John Paul II's call for a "new evangelization," and he like the current Holy Father, speaks of evangelical Catholicism. On his website he has outlined what this universal call means in practical terms. But if asked, the pastor of St. Mary's, like most of his parishioners, would call himself a Roman Catholic, or pastor/parishioner of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Greenville.

    She seems to think she can get away with these little word games and deceptions, it should be clear to her by now that the voters are not fooled.

    I would not draw any conclusions about a church based on Christina Jeffrey's membership. St. Mary's is a wonderful church and its pastor is second to none, but even our Lord included Judas among his apostles.

  3. Thank you so much for that explanation. I figured that was the case. I appreciate the insight. I used to attend St. Mary's from time to time when I was a student at Furman. Fr. Newman became campus chaplain my senior year there.

    I'm a parishioner at Our Risen Savior in Spartanburg. We recently were sent two new priests since our former pastor passed away last year. They are order priests from the Adorno Fathers. The associate priest of the two, Fr. Ted, is a really amazing guy. He sings/chants most of the Eucharistic liturgy--everyone agrees it is pretty unique and beautiful. He is a young priest who now ministers at Wofford and Converse too. He is from the Phillipines and is an amazing speaker and homilist. If you're ever in Spartanburg you may want to check his mass out.

  4. This is one of those occasions where it is too bad gambling is illegal in South Carolina. Given Christina Jeffrey’s history and Dean Allen’s history, I would love to see a bookie lay odds on Dean even making it to the Primary Election. I’ve heard Christina bad mouth Dean so many times in the past; it is only a matter of time before she shows Dean her true contempt for him. He simply ain’t educated enough for her. Anyway, my money would be on Dean bailing before June 8.

  5. As a Roman Catholic, I am confused about Christina Jeffrey's statement that she is a member of an evangelical Catholic church in Greenville. Actually she is a registered member of St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Spartanburg, S.C., and I know nothing about our being evangelical in terms of what I thought she was suggesting, i.e. some kind of holiness version of the Catholic faith? As a matter of fact, all churches are called to be evangelical; the Catholic Church is certainly not excluded if "evangelical" means spreading the Gospel, which I think it does. Jeffrey is good at bending the words.
