
Thursday, April 8, 2010

First in the Hearts... Second To None...

James Renwick Manship, Sr.

After a dozen years of inspiring, entertaining, and educating America about George Washington, other Founding Fathers, and this Constitution for the United States of America, Living History re-enactor James Renwick Manship, Sr. has compiled a 72 page, over 200 picture "Prose Poem, Praise Poem with Pictures" to remind young and old why George Washington is truly "First in War, First in Peace, and First in the Hearts of his Countrymen, he was Second to None..."

"Second To None: America's Washington" begins with his Washington Times Op-Ed on the Bicentennial of the Burial of George Washington in 1999. To that Manship has added many Wise Words of Wise Men ON Washington, AND Wise Words OF Washington, with interesting insights to History not seen in most history books. With over 200 color pictures and in verse style, a reviewer has written: "Very readable & fun to read."

In 2005, Washington Times columnist John McCaslin called Manship a "Master of American History." In 2002, History teacher and Virginia Delegate Lee Ware wrote: "What David McCullough and others are doing between printed covers, Mr. Manship is doing in person. His presentations are an extraordinary entry into the life and experience of an era." Now some of that "extraordinary experience" is seen between printed covers for you and Americans of all ages to enjoy.

On early writings of Washington, Manship has compiled two other books, one in 2006 titled "Prayer Warrior Washington", a workbook and picture book of Washington's Prayers, and in 2008, "A Civil Air for America" on the boyhood Rules of Civility of Washington. Manship has shared the powerful prayer life and sterling character of George Washington with tens of thousands of Americans as George Washington LIVE! in schools, civic clubs, churches, parades and outdoor rallies! To learn about GW Live !, go to

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