
Friday, April 23, 2010

Franklin Graham Disinvited...27 Anti-Jesus Quotes by Weinstein...Sign FREE Petition

The anti-Christian complainer once described by a Pentagon spokesman as "a rabid anti-evangelical," Mikey Weinstein has duped Pentagon officials into disinviting Franklin Graham, leader of The Samaritan's Purse and son of legendary evangelist Billy Graham, from praying with our troops on the National Day of Prayer (NDOP), because Graham is Christian and opposes Islamic terrorism.

"We are at war with a sub-set of evangelical many? Roughly 12.6% of the American public or 38 million people," admitted Mikey Weinstein, who has repeatedly sued the military (and lost in court) to demand punishment of any troops who talk openly about their faith in Jesus Christ.

But in a breaking news expose, The Pray In Jesus Name Project has published 27 violent, profanity-laced, and bigoted anti-Christian comments made by Mr. Weinstein himself, who was reportedly paid with our tax-dollars to defame Christianity to our troops, and should be disinvited far more quickly than Franklin Graham.

SELECT HERE TO SIGN THE FREE PETITION TO SECDEF ROBERT GATES to re-invite Franklin Graham to pray with our troops at the National Day of Prayer, and stop paying the violent, profanity laced, and bigotted anti-Christian Mikey Weinstein who blasphemes Christianity to our troops.

"Never did Franklin Graham threaten profanity-laced violence or declare war against 38 million Americans because of their faith, like Mr. Weinstein has," said Chaplain Klingenschmitt, who is launching a FREE national petition drive to SECDEF Robert Gates, to re-invite Franklin Graham and disinvite Mikey Weinstein.


  1. The ObaMAD Legend

    Here's a suggested book title for anyone who will someday write about the hopefully short-lived, Obamaniac dictatorship:

    "Double-Crossers, Cross-Dressers & Cross-Bashers"

    (For more Obamagic, Google "Obama Avoids Bible Verses" and "Obama Supports Public Depravity.")

    [Weinstein is a great reason why ancient Hebrew prophets like Zechariah predicted that in the end times ALL nations will be AGAINST Israel!]

  2. [just read following bit on the web - Arthur]


    What kind of wine has Mikey Weinstein been drinking?
    As an anti-Christian Jewish supremacist and as the president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, he's doing all he can to create an anti-Jewish backlash and help bring about the predicted endtime Holocaust of Jews that'll be worse than Hitler's.
    Neither Falwell, Hagee nor any other Christian initiated this prediction. But Weinstein's ancient Hebrew prophets did.
    In the 13th and 14th chapters of his Old Testament book, Zechariah predicted that after Israel's rebirth ALL nations will eventually be against Israel and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed!
    Malachi revealed the reasons: "Judah hath dealt treacherously" and "the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this."
    Haven't evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the hate-filled back-stabbing by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher etc.) against followers of Jesus such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.
    Weinstein wouldn't dare assert that citizens on government property don't have freedom of speech or press freedom or freedom to assemble or to petition the government.
    But God-hater Weinstein maliciously wants to eliminate from government property the "free exercise" of religion - especially by evangelicals - a freedom found in the same First Amendment. Significantly, this freedom was purposely listed FIRST by America's founders!
    And Weinstein wouldn't try to foist "separation of church and state" on strongly-Jewish Israel, but he does try to foist this non-Constitution-mentioned phrase on strongly-Christian America.
    In light of Weinstein's Jewish protectionism and violently anti-Christian obsession, Christians in these endtimes should be reminded of Jesus' warning in Mark 13:9 (see also Luke 21:12) that "in the synagogues ye shall be beaten."
    Maybe it's time for some modern Paul Reveres to saddle up and shout "The Yiddish are Coming!"

    PS - Some, like Weinstein, are so treacherously anti-Christian they will even join hands at times with enemies, including Muslims, in order to silence evangelicals. It was Weinstein, BTW, who put pressure on the Pentagon to dis-invite Franklin Graham from speaking there on the National Day of Prayer!
