
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Has Noah's Ark Been Found on Turkish Mountaintop?

Noah’s Ark Ministries International

An explorer examines wooden beams inside what
some are nearly certain is the remains of Noah's Ark.

From Fox News

A group of Chinese and Turkish evangelical explorers say wooden remains they have discovered on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey are the remains of Noah's Ark.

The group claims that carbon dating proves the relics are 4,800 years old, meaning they date to around the same time the ark was said to be afloat. Mt. Ararat has long been suspected as the final resting place of the craft by evangelicals and literalists hoping to validate biblical stories.

Yeung Wing-Cheung, from the Noah's Ark Ministries International research team that made the discovery, said: "It's not 100 percent that it is Noah's Ark, but we think it is 99.9 percent that this is it."

There have been several reported discoveries of the remains of Noah's Ark over the years, most notably a find by archaeologist Ron Wyatt in 1987. At the time, the Turkish government officially declared a national park around his find, a boat-shaped object stretched across the mountains of Ararat.

Nevertheless, the evangelical ministry remains convinced that the current find is in fact more likely to be the actual artifact, calling upon Dutch Ark researcher Gerrit Aalten to verify its legitimacy.

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  1. I treat the Ark business like the Shroud business: neither one of them affects my faith or how I live it, whether they are "proved" "true" or not.

  2. "I personally think this is not Noahs ark for various reasons,,I dont think the ark came to rest so high on a mountain,"no need for that",and put yourself in noahs place ,,you come out of your ark and your going to just walk away and let it rot there???Idont think so
    they were to start a new population,,i would surely have used a lot of my previous work to build a new home,,and noah lived quite a while after the flood,,no reason not to use all the ready made lumber""peace

  3. this is wonderful !!!!

  4. Larry, that is a very good point! but who knows what happened over 4,000 years ago/ if they started a new home they would have had to go down the mountain sense it was so high up and they would not have been able to carry all the materials with them... but u do have a good point a very good possibility..
