
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to Block Internet Bottom Feeders

**Updated 4/13/10**

A certain bottom feeder of the South Carolina blogosphere is once again spreading malicious misinformation about this blog. If you are in South Carolina, you have no doubt about whom I am writing.

I can assure you that this site has the maximum possible security. In fact, it is precisely because of the psychopath spreading misinformation, that extra precautions have been taken.

If he is having any trouble accessing this site, it is because we are in the process of blocking him.

Among many sick and hateful spews, this seriously disordered and disturbed individual posted on June 1, 2009 about my being "pumped full of lead while in Church."

A normal person writing 30 posts a day only to end up 4th, or 8th, or 14th, might have figured out by now that quantity isn't the key to having a respected and well-trafficked blog. Perhaps for a few, his offerings may be like a gruesome accident by the side of the road; it's hard not to look. I stopped looking a long-time ago. But if I had to pick someone to be the spokesperson for the homosexual lifestyle and all it represents, our anonymous critic in the South Carolina blogosphere would be my first choice. As Lee Atwater used to say, when your opposition is in the process of making an ass of himself, don't get in the way.

Given that the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2001 published a Dutch study which found that "people with same-sex sexual behavior are at greater risk for psychiatric disorders," I don't know if mental problems or demonic possession are at the root of the nihilism, hate, rage and jealously on daily display in our critic's posts.

I regret that in my heated response to our critic's ongoing venom, hostility, and hatred for anyone who dares adhere to traditional Judeo-Christian values regarding sexuality and the family, my original post on this subject failed to express what should be my and society's collective dismay over the morbidity and mortality statistics for those who engage in homosexual behavior.

Oxford University's International Journal of Epidemiology reported in 1997: "Life expectancy at age 20 years for gay and bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less than for all men. If the same pattern of mortality were to continue, we estimate that nearly half of gay and bisexual men currently aged 20 years will not reach their 65th birthday."

The Canadian Medical Association Journal reported in 2000: "In Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, AIDS has been the leading cause of early death among men since 1989. Among young gay and bisexual men in Vancouver, the HIV/AIDS epidemic has reduced life expectancy by up to 20 years."

The homosexual activist Rainbow Health Coalition of Toronto, in a formal 2009 complaint filed with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, reported: "What research exists consistently indicates that the life expectancy of (homosexual) people is substantially lower than that of the general population. ...It has been estimated that gay/bisexual men have a life expectancy 20 years less than the average man in Canada. In their book Caring For Lesbian and Gay People -- A Clinical Guide, authors Dr. Allan Peterkin and Dr. Cathy Risdon suggest that the life expectancy of gay/bisexual men in Canada is 55 years. Less research has been conducted on the life expectancy for lesbians in Canada but health indicators suggest that while it is not as low as that for gay men, it is still lower than the life expectancy of the general population."

Given such severe personal and public health consequences of homosexual activity, which threatens its victims not only physically in this (shorter) life but spiritually in the next, we should compassionately mourn any time someone ensnared in such a lifestyle falls victim to its often fatal consequences.

As the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, a socially conservative southern Baptist pastor, observed in his 1963 speech at Western Michigan University:

"This is the love of God operating in the human heart. When one rises to love on this level, he loves every man. He rises to the point of loving the person who does the evil deed while hating the deed that the person does."

Thus, even though our anonymous critic has, among other expressions of hate, mused about his hope that I will be "pumped full of lead," I am compelled by my own faith and values to rise above the simple tit-for-tat reflected in the harsher language of my original post on this subject.

I must love the person -- yes, even that person -- while justifiably hating his obviously evil deeds.

Surely as well, we should all stand against any change in public policy that seeks to affirm, encourage, legitimize, or offer special protection and "rights" to individuals solely on the basis of their engaging in life-threatening homosexual behavior, up to and including enshrining such behavior under the mantle of holy matrimony.

Similarly, in defense both of moral truth and our African-American brothers and sisters in the faith, we should be just as absolute in rejecting homosexual political propagandists' attempts to wrap their sexual practices and political agenda in the mantle of the Civil Rights movement, by which they offensively suggest that two men having sex is the moral, social, and legal equivalent of being born with black skin -- and that the often sexually graphic and obscene "gay pride" march is morally equivalent to black Christian men, women, and children crossing the bridge at Selma.

But in the meantime, you may want to join me in blocking the carbuncle from your site. Directions for blocking unwanted website visitors are


  1. I've never had a bit of trouble accessing Sunlit Uplands.

    On the other hand, I have had considerable trouble stomaching the infantile spewings retailed on Weirdo Lickspitter's Journal (imagine spending all day, everyday, reveling in an orgy of nihilistic self-loathing; no wonder he publishes his hate-filled tantrums under the name Weirdo Lickspitter. Surely he worries that his family and friends (if any) would abhor his demented ramblings).

    Though he is sordid and despicable,
    he needs help. But first he must acknowledge his sinful words, deeds, and lifestyle. After that, may God have mercy on his benighted soul.

  2. So sorry to hear of this, Dan. You are in our prayers.

    Sunlit Uplands and the Drudge Report are the only two websites I visit. Between you two, there is nothing more I need to know.

    Thank you for all you are doing to spread the truth and give others hope.

  3. Good job always with the blog, Dan. Don't let this discourage you.

  4. Thank you very much, Rob, Julie, and Anonymous. I am most grateful for your friendship and support. I have worked too hard at this hobby to have my readers scared off because of false claims about my site. I have the best firewall and virus protection available. Death threats are a little disconcerting, as well. But the proper authorities are well aware of what he has posted.

    Again, many thanks.

