
Thursday, April 15, 2010

J.D. Hayworth Raises Over $1 Million in First Quarter

Campaign To Retire John McCain Building Momentum

Thanks to donors from all 50 states, U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) filed an impressive FEC report showing more than $1,000,000 in total contributions received by March 31st.

"To come as far as we have as quickly as we have has been absolutely incredible," said Hayworth, adding "and I want to say first and foremost 'Thank You!' to all of our supporters from all over this great country. We are bringing the right kind of change to this country and the support we have received has been simply awesome."

To put the amount in perspective, conservative superstar and U.S. Senate candidate in Florida, Speaker of the House Marco Rubio, raised $600,000 in his first five months of campaigning. Hayworth filed his committee on January 29th and announced his campaign on February 15th.

The Hayworth campaign received nearly 19,000 contributions averaging nearly $57 per contribution. Even after the heavy expenses associated with starting up a statewide challenge on short order, nearly $700,000 of that amount remains in cash on hand.

"When we began this campaign we knew that we faced several serious challenges, and one of them was going to be fundraising for a race against a man with a well-deserved reputation for holding a grudge," said David Payne, Hayworth's campaign manager. "Would the donors take the chance and step up for J.D.? Obviously the answer is an overwhelming yes!"

Numbers Filed With The FEC:

Total Raised: $1,074,013.51
Cash on Hand: $681,477.84
Total # of Contributors: 14,526
Total # of Contributions: 18,872
Average Contribution: $56.90


  1. Democrats and JD have used McCain's lack of technological passion against him. I find this twitter thing awesome. He needs to continue connecting with the younger voters who are now turned off by this administration and understanding what the Republican Party stands for.

  2. We will not elect this man, we will not consider it. JD is nothing short of a blowhard without a clue. JD brings too much baggage, not enough morals, no ethics and a histoy of big spending in Washington. This is not the man we want in Congress.
