
Friday, April 16, 2010

Just How Bad is Senator Lindsey Graham?

The following story reveals that he is pushing higher gas taxes that members of his own party AND the White House oppose.

Since the South Carolina GOP is adding advisory questions to their June primary ballot, how about one on amending the SC Constitution to allow for the recall of federal representatives,
as we proposed here?

Let's deal with the rogue Senator now. Too many issues are at stake for one South Carolina Senator to be canceling out the votes of the other. We need two United States Senators in Washington.

WH Opposes Higher Gas Taxes Floated by S.C. GOP Sen. Graham in Emerging Senate Energy Bill

Sen. Graham's spokesman, Kevin Bishop, passed along a set of talking points about the South Carolina Republican's still-developing tax on gasoline, a so-called "linked fee" that would establish a separate tax on a gallon of gas and adjust that tax over time in relation to lower industrial and utility pollution. In theory, as emissions fall, so would the magnitude of the tax on gasoline.

Graham is adamant his energy fee is not a straight gasoline tax, even though critics say by whatever name it will raise the price at the pump and, consequently, harm recession-battered consumers.

The Senate GOP leadership today took pains to say this tax idea is Graham's and Graham's alone. It's not the first time Graham has been out on a policy limb. Graham insists his approach is better than one-size-fits-all federal regulations (The Environmental Protection Agency now has the legal authority to impose regulations reducing green house gas emissions. The agency recently announced it would delay any new for one year to give Congress time to hammer out its own climate change legislation). President Obama has said he prefers congressional action to federal regulation.

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