
Friday, April 30, 2010

Liberal Toronto Star Set To Take Over Canada's Last Conservative Newspaper

From LifeSiteNews
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski

Torstar Corporation, publisher of the Toronto Star, is emerging as a favorite to buy cash-strapped Canwest Global Communications Corp.’s insolvent newspaper assets, including the National Post, the Globe and Mail reported.

The National Post is seen by many to be the last, if sometimes ambivalent, voice of conservatism in the Canadian press, while the Toronto Star, often referred to as the Red Star by critics, has a long history of liberal bias in its reporting of stories related to traditional morality and any institutions supporting that morality.

"The Toronto Star is such a Liberal paper that it is, at present, very difficult to read for those of us who hold a different political and social perspective," Gwendolyn Landolt, National Vice President of REAL Women of Canada commented to LifeSiteNews (LSN). "The Star certainly takes every opportunity to attack the Conservative government. Journalistic integrity and the providing of balanced news is not a priority for the newspaper."

"It would indeed be disconcerting to think that the Toronto Star would control the editorial policy of the National Post as well as the other newspapers in the Canwest chain. Such an event might be acceptable if, as was the policy of Conrad Black when he owned the chain, each newspaper was permitted to assume its own editorial policy."

"However, in view of the Toronto Star's adamant support of liberalism (and the Liberal party) its unlikely that it would permit such a objective policy," Landolt said.

A surprising press release from Canada's largest media union supports Landolt's criticism of Torstar gaining control over the National Post.

Peter Murdoch, Vice-President, Media, for the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union said "considerations of public trust and responsibility to communities must be on the scales as banks weigh which of five bidders will become the new owners of Canada's largest newspaper chain."

The group of bidders referred to is said to include British Columbia newspaper proprietor David Black, and newspaper executive Paul Godfrey, as well as former CanWest chief executive officer Leonard Asper, and the Serruya family, owner of CoolBrands International Inc.

"We understand that banks want their money back, but ownership of major Canadian newspapers carries with it commitments beyond the bottom line. The bidders are not buying a screwdriver company, they are purchasing vital messengers which inform Canadians about all aspects of their lives."

"From Vancouver to Montreal this group of papers (Canwest) once had a voice which reflected the cities they served," Murdoch said.

"If the Toronto Star were to gain control of the National Post, it would mean a return to the despicable situation when the only views heard in the Canadian media were left-wing views," Landolt told LSN. "Such a development would be a hugely retrograde step and a tragedy for the future of this country."

"Finally," Landolt concluded, "it should be mentioned, that if the Toronto Star should gain control of the National Post, one can speculate whether it will allow the National Post to continue to exist since its presence in the Toronto area has lead to real competition for the Toronto Star. The latter is desperately trying to restore subscriptions to its past heyday when there was less competition."

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