
Thursday, April 8, 2010

N.C. GOP Chair Calls for Steele to Step Down

From Newsmax
By David A. Patten

wing GOP insurgency bent on ousting RNC chairman Michael Steele appears to be gaining momentum, after two RNC committee members called for Steele to resign Thursday afternoon.

Also, sources tell Newsmax that a veritable flood of angry e-mails from key Republicans has poured into GOP offices over the
past week. Republicans are complaining that the questionable RNC expenditures, which culminated in last week's "strippergate" scandal, have created a major distraction at a key point in the election cycle as the midterms begin to loom large.

A significant portion of the rising resistance to Steele's tenure is coming from black Republicans, who are frustrated that Steele earlier this week appeared to partially blame his problems on racism.

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