
Monday, April 5, 2010

New Strategy Unveiled to Force Obama on Eligibility

Obama's brother Malik, family, and hometown supporters celebrate Obama's election coup.

Joe Farah is advancing a great new strategy to save America from the Marxist alien. Since The One has shown that he is willing to spend millions of campaign dollars to prevent the disclosure of documents other Americans must provide to obtain a passport, Farah will force Mombassa's favorite son off the ballot in some states, ensuring an end to his illegitimate presidency.

Petition calls on state election officials to verify qualifications in 2012

From WorldNetDaily

There's a new strategy unfolding today in the effort to establish whether Barack Obama is constitutionally eligible to serve as president, Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND says.

In his column today in WND, Farah announces a new petition drive directed not at federal officials, whom, he says, have abrogated their own responsibilities, but toward election officials, governors and legislatures in all 50 states who will have to oversee the vote in 2012.

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