
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oath Keepers Withdraws from Virginia Open Carry Rally

Oath Keepers, Inc., a network of America's finest patriots, and one with which we are proud to be affiliated, has withdrawn from an open carry "Restore the Constitution" rally in Virginia next week.

As with alleged incidents when ObamaCare Democrats provocatively walked among those protesting the socialized medicine being forced down America's throat, radical left-wing activists of the Alinsky school infiltrate peaceful and legitimate protests with the intention of using foul language and provoking incidents that will reflect badly on conservatives exercising their First Amendment rights. Since the President is a trained practitioner of the Alinsky method, we should expect these tactics from the Administration and all those former colleagues of his in ACORN.

There is truly a cultural war underway for the future of America, and this year is pivotal. The good news is there are millions of patriots, like those in Oath Keepers, who are wise to what the Marxists are up to. Following is Oath Keepers announcement regarding the Virginia rally:

The Board of Directors of Oath Keepers, Inc. has decided against participating in the "Restore the Constitution" rally in Virginia near Washington D.C. scheduled for April 19, 2010. That rally is organized by a very honorable U.S. Marine Corps veteran who saw combat in Iraq, and who is also a patriotic member in Oath Keepers. The organizer is Daniel Almond of the Georgia Oath Keepers Chapter. Oath Keepers salutes Daniel Almond for organizing this pro-Constitution rally.

Oath Keepers endorses Americans' protected right to keep, and bear, arms. In keeping with our stance, Oath Keepers' representatives have recently performed oath ceremonies at open-carry rallies at several State capitols, including before the capitol buildings in Kentucky and Montana. We fully support the right of Americans to peaceably assemble and publicly exercise their right to bear arms right along with their right to free speech, association, and to petition their government for a redress of grievances.

However, because of published statements by some participants in the upcoming Virginia rally, Oath Keepers as an organization feels that a confrontational stance, such as has been published, places this event, in public perception, outside the terms of our stated and published mission. The mission of Oath Keepers is not to confront the government. Instead, our mission is to reach out to people within government - to police, military, firefighters and first responders - to teach them about their obligations under the oath they took to defend the Constitution, to increase their knowledge of the Constitution, and to inspire them to defend it by refusing to obey unconstitutional, unlawful orders. That's it. And if we can reach enough of them with that message, it could prevent possible future egregious violations of the Bill of Rights in a very peaceful way. Confronting the government is not included in the Oath Keepers stated and published mission and as an educational organization focused on the current serving, Oath Keepers refrains from confrontation in deed and rhetoric.

Oath Keepers wishes Daniel Almond and all his supporters a fruitful and meaningful rally. Oath Keepers is not asking our membership to withdraw from attendance, but Oath Keepers is formally asking all Oath Keeper members who attend to do so as individuals, not as representatives of Oath Keepers. We are further requesting that Oath Keeper gear and garments not be worn at this event.

Oath Keepers shall, as planned, participate in the Washington D.C. Second Amendment March on April 19 ( and shall offer the public an Oath Keepers ceremony in which citizens can themselves stand and reverently take an oath to defend the Constitution right along with current and prior service police, military, and fire personnel (who will be renewing their oaths), all together as patriotic Americans. Please see our banner announcement for this march in Washington D.C. on April 19, 2010, at

Stewart Rhodes, Founder and National President, Oath Keepers, Inc.


  1. Semi-related question: why do your post always show up twice at blognetnews?

  2. Good question, and thanks for asking. Last fall this blog changed from a Blogger domain that is essentially owned by Google, to its own domain. When the change took place, I notified the national editor of BlogNetNews of the new domain. Nothing happened and they continued to list the old domain, although anyone clicking on it was automatically transferred to the new website. Eventually, I sent another message to BNN about the domain change, and that time they added the new domain, without removing the old. Since I've called the matter to their attention twice, I assume they are aware and perhaps because Google still lists the two domains, their web scanning spiders pick up everything twice.
