
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Obama Orders Hospital Visitation Rights for Gays, Lesbians

We expect all the Executive Orders and laws in the world won't provide one South Carolina homosexualist hate blogger any company during his death throes. Even his own mother doesn't want anything to do with him.
President Obama has asked the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a rule that would prevent hospitals from denying visitation privileges to gay and lesbian partners.

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  1. I gather from the fact that you choose to post this story that you don't feel gays or lesbians should be allowed to visit their partners when they've been hospitalized.

    I fail to see what possible problem anyone could have with someone being allowed to offer solace to a loved one who's in the hospital. Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what I'm overlooking?

  2. I don't see a problem with anyone, visiting anyone in a hospital, Cotton Boll. But I do object to the President of the United States "ordering" private institutions to do anything. As an employee of the South Carolina Policy Council which purports to believe in "FREE markets," I am surprised that you apparently support such statism. Perhaps that is one reason your board members are leaving in disgust.

  3. Dan, you're right.

    1. The president of the United States should not be issuing orders to local hospitals on anything. If he has the legitimate authority to order this, notwithstanding local and state laws or even federal law adopted by Congress, then what's the limit on which else he has authority to order? Mandatory abortions, etc.?

    2. The order itself is a Trojan Horse. Putting point #1 above aside, Obama could have accomplished the supposed purpose of his order merely by instructing hospitals receiving federal funding to allow the patient (perhaps with a limit on the number) to designate whomever the patient wishes to have visitation rights. Instead of that simply stated concept with which very few would disagree, he used that simple principle as a Trojan Horse by which to issue a federal decree which (a) segregates patients into special White House-designated "protected class" categories, then (b) doles out the patient's "right" to designate visitors expressly on the basis of the patient's membership in one of the specially protected categories.

    Instead of the all-inclusive positively-stated policy of just saying ALL patients shall be allowed to designate visitors, Obama's policy is stated negatively instead, that no one shall be denied the "right" to do so on the basis of...wait for it...

    Being involved in a homosexual relationship.

    It's the creation of a new federally guaranteed "right" -- expressly on the basis of being in a homosexual relationship -- that is the real motive of this order, something totally unnecessary to the simple objective of allowing patients to designate visitors.

    Surely the South Carolina Policy Council does not support expanding federal authority over yet another aspect of American life, or the concept of "group" rather than individual rights in particular.

  4. This is a freedom of association issue. Unless the people in question are getting together to break the law, I don't care if they're gay, straight, same sex, different sex, hermaphrodites, chaste, prone to wild orgies... If Person A is in the hospital, and he is permitted to have visitors, as long as Person A wants Person B to visit, and there is nothing intrinsic in Person B to keep him away (underage, carrying contraband, behaving in such a way as to be disruptive, etc.), then Person A is entitled to the visit by Person B.
