
Saturday, April 3, 2010

ObamaCare Congressman Plans to File Complaint Against Anti-Obama Doctor

We knew when we read the story about the central Florida urologist refusing to serve Obama supporters, that a storm would be unleashed. It didn't take long.

ObamaCare Congressman and Democrat media whore, Alan Grayson, representing Florida's 8th Congressional District, is vowing to force Dr. Jack Cassell to do wh
at his government masters order.

The impudence of the bourgeois doctor! Does he not know he lives under a new social order? That medical degree he paid for will be used as Obamunist central planners decide. Foolish notions of freedom and self-determination are unacceptable to the ruling troika - Obama, Pelosi and Reid.

From Fox News

An outspoken U.S. congressman is planning to file a complaint against the central Florida urologist who posted a sign on his office door warning supporters of President Obama to find a different doctor.

A spokesman for Rep. Alan Grayson, who angered Republicans last year when he said they wanted sick Americans to "die quickly," told that Florida Democrat is helping a constituent who was affected by the sign to file a complaint next week with the proper authorities. Grayson will also file additional complaints with all relevant boards or agencies, Grayson spokesman Todd Jurkowski said.

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