
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Obama's Disregard for Media Reaches New Heights at Nuclear Summit

No, this armed camp is not a FEMA detention
center, it's the Washington Convention Center.

Even The Washington Post is beginning to notice that chill, totalitarian winds are beginning to blow under the Obama regime. With the fascist takeover of the auto, health care, and insurance industries, and citizens compelled to buy insurance and pay for infanticide, did they really think "old republic" notions of a free press would endure?
From The Washington Post
By Dana Milbank

World leaders arriving in Washington for President Obama's Nuclear Security Summit must have felt for a moment that they had instead been transported to Soviet-era Moscow.

They entered a capital that had become a military encampment, with camo-wearing military police in Humvees and enough Army vehicles to make it look like a May Day parade on New York Avenue, where a bicyclist was killed Monday by a National Guard truck.

In the middle of it all was Obama -- occupant of an office once informally known as "leader of the free world" -- putting on a clinic for some of the world's greatest dictators in how to circumvent a free press.

The only part of the summit, other than a post-meeting news conference, that was visible to the public was Obama's eight-minute opening statement, which ended with the words: "I'm going to ask that we take a few moments to allow the press to exit before our first session."

Reporters for foreign outlets, admitted for the first time to the White House press pool, got the impression that the vaunted American freedoms are not all they're cracked up to be.

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