
Monday, April 5, 2010

Protest Erupts as Gallaudet University Plans Offensive Homosexual 'Jesus' Play with Federal Tax Dollars

Thousands of students and concerned parents are calling for the cancellation of a blasphemous play at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. The offensive production Corpus Christi by Terrence McNally portrays Christ and the twelve Apostles as homosexuals.

The lewd production was recently canceled at Tarleton State University in Texas due to peaceful protest. And now Gallaudet University is facing a similar protest for its decision to host the play on April 8-10.

Among those calling for the cancellation of the play is a Catholic group called The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property -- TFP. Its student members launched an online petition last week inviting people to send protest emails to the university. Thousands have already done so at

"Blasphemy does not qualify as free speech," said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie. "Just as everyone is entitled to their own good reputation, Gallaudet University has no right to harm and slander the spotless reputation of the God-Man with blasphemy, then run to academic freedom for cover."

"Does Gallaudet University want to stamp out the sacred reputation of Our Lord Jesus Christ and replace it with scorn, mockery and blasphemy?" asked Ritchie. "When it comes to Our Lord, I find nothing but Christophobia here."

"In fact, federal funds comprise 70% of Gallaudet's revenue. And it just adds insult to injury when those federal tax dollars are being used to promote blasphemy. That's simply unacceptable," he said. "Our peaceful message to Dr. T. Alan Hurwitz, president of Gallaudet University, is simple: cancel the play."

When the play staged in Cincinnati in 2003, Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk stated: "Corpus Christi seems to go out of its way to present Jesus and His story in the crudest and ugliest of ways." He further added, "I believe that this play will offend the sensibilities of most people who reverence the Lord Jesus in any way."


  1. You should know that the "thousands of students and concerned parents" are NOT at Gallaudet. In fact, we have only 1,200 students - and only a small minority has spoken out against Corpus Christi.

  2. Agreed. As a fellow Gallaudet student... I can tell you that the vast majority of campus either supports the production, or at the very least, is indifferent to it. I have not really heard any outcry from the Gallaudet community. I already have my ticket... looking forward to seeing it this weekend!

  3. Thanks to you both for letting my readers know just what kind of institution is Gallaudet University. I can understand why you would not want your names associated with the institution or your own comments.
