
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tea Party Express Responds to Stupak

In response to Bart Stupak's claim that the Tea Party Movement had nothing to do with the abrupt end of his 18 year Congressional career, the Tea Party Express has issued the following:

"Congressman Bart Stupak showed his arrogance and ignorance yesterday as he attacked the Tea Party movement. He insisted the $250,000 campaign we here at the Tea Party Express had absolutely nothing to do with him being driven from office.

And then he attacked the tea party movement saying he was taking credit for sucking the tea party movement's "treasury dry."

"If anything I just made the tea party people spend a lot of money that wasn't necessary on all these ads they have to run against me so they can't use it on anyone else. So I'll take credit for sucking their treasury dry."
Here's the video clip:

Well guess what Mr. Stupak, you're a real genius!

You see, by running in fear from the campaign being waged against you - while we were still in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and in the middle of our TV & radio ad campaign - you've allowed us to stop the campaign against you with only $50,000 of the $250,000 having been spent. You can see the report from Congressional Quarterly - HERE, we'd only spent $50,000 by the time you made your announcement.

Congressman Stupak: you are as ignorant as you are arrogant. You could have kept your mouth shut another week or so and truly drained the tea party movement's treasury dry.

To our supporters in the tea party movement: let's keep this up. We're about to announce our giant 2010 Election Targets on April 15th. Let's fatten up the tea party campaign treasury so that Bart Stupak's friends in Congress can join him in the retirement home playing checkers and watching the soon-to-be-elected constitutionalist conservatives in Congress on C-SPAN taking our country back!

You can contribute any amount from as little as $5 to the maximum allowed $5,000.


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