
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Angry Electorate Roars at Washington, Hands Setbacks to Establishment Candidates

One by one, the incumbents or establishment-backed candidates in Tuesday's slate of high-stake contests fell or fell short.

May 18: Sen. Arlen Specter waves as he gives his concession speech in Philadelphia.

From Fox News

If Tuesday's primaries were any indication,
incumbents and establishment-backed candidates in November should be shaking in their boots.

In Kentucky, Secretary of State Trey Grayson, who was backed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Vice President Dick Cheney, was soundly defeated by Tea Party favorite Rand Paul. In Pennsylvania, five-term Sen. Arlen Specter, who ditched the Republican Party last year to save his career, ended up being sent into retirement anyway by Rep. Joe Sestak in the Democratic primary.

And in Arkansas, Sen. Blanche Lincoln was forced into a runoff against Lt. Gov. Bill Halter after she failed to win the majority of votes in the Democratic primary.

Taken together, the results of Tuesday's races sent a clear message to Washington that the anti-incumbent wave that has gripped the nation over the past year isn't losing steam.

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