
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Crisis Deepens; Chaos Grips Greece

Demonstrators smashed shop windows, overturned
garbage bins and set fire to at least two businesses.

From The Wall Street Journal
By Sebastian Moffett and Alkman Granitsas

reece's fiscal crisis took a new turn to violence Wednesday
when three people died in a firebomb attack amid a paralyzing national strike, while governments from Spain to the U.S. took steps to prevent the widening financial damage from hitting their own economies.

U.S. Treasury officials have been quietly urging their European and International Monetary Fund counterparts to put together a Greek rescue plan more quickly to contain the damage, it emerged Wednesday, as U.S. policy makers worry the continent's problems could undermine a U.S. recovery much as U.S. housing woes hammered Europe in 2008.

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