
Friday, May 14, 2010

David Horowitz Confronts a Genocide-Supporting Member of the "Religion of Peace"

David Horowitz, President and Founder of the
Freedom Center, addressed the students at the University of California-San Diego earlier this week to counter a week of hate-filled events titled "Justice in Palestine Week," staged by the Muslim Students Association (MSA).

He asked a female student, wearing the black and white keffiyeh worn by Palestinian terror groups, to condemn the Hamas terrorists. She refused to do so. He then challenged the student:

"I am a Jew. The head of Hizbollah has said that he hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn't have to hunt us down globally. For or against it?" She hesitated for a moment then responded, "For it." He then thanked the student for attending and revealing to everyone the MSA's true intentions towards the Jews and Israel.

Here is the face of "the religion of peace." Here is an enemy with a 100 year plan to control the world, and the current administration couldn't even admit that an attempted bombing in Times Square might be the work of Islamic terrorists.

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