
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mass Action Lawsuit Opposing ObamaCare to be Filed by The Justice Foundation

Grassroots America -- We the People (GAWTP), a conservative grassroots organization in Tyler, Texas, is encouraging individuals to file a mass action lawsuit regarding the unconstitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act signed into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010, and the companion Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 signed on March 30, 2010. The Justice Foundation, a non-profit litigation firm in San Antonio, Texas, which represents clients in public interest and limited government cases, along with a team of lawyers throughout Texas, is representing these plaintiffs.

"We believe this Health Care Act is unconstitutional and interferes with our individual rights and liberty to make our own health care decisions," said JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director of Grassroots America -- We the People. "This constitutes a gross abuse of federal power and is a liberty-destroying offense we simply will not tolerate. We are therefore seeking relief from these intolerable acts through the third and equal branch of government -- the judicial system -- and we intend to go all the way to the United States Supreme Court."

This effort, known as Project Liberty USA, seeks ten thousand plaintiffs from across the country with the same beliefs. The health care law is being challenged on the basis of the Ninth Amendment, economic and personal liberties, and rights -- which are reserved to the People -- and the Tenth Amendment, which reserves rights to individuals and to the States. It is also based on the First Amendment, including individuals who object to being forced to pay for abortions in violation of their free exercise of religion.

One of the unique aspects of this litigation is that The Justice Foundation is also representing women (and men) who have been devastated by abortion. These plaintiffs regret their abortions and do not want their tax dollars going to fund abortions through government mandates in these health care acts.

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