
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nikki Haley Takes 20 Point Lead

The Haley campaign announced today that their candidate's lead has grown to more than 20 points over her nearest rival.

An independent poll, conducted by Public Policy Polling, shows Haley leads at 39%, with the other three contenders grappling for traction in the teens:

Nikki Haley - 39%

Henry McMaster - 18%

Gresham Barrett - 16%

Andre Bauer - 13%

The Haley campaign has also released the following new tv ad which started running statewide this morning.

1 comment:

  1. I pray to heaven that people are not blindsided by this Palin nonsense. Very clever move by Mrs. Sanford to bring in the GOP's most feminist. Has this primary campaign become a gender crusade? Let's hope not. Haley is not qualified to become CEO of SC.
