
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Patriarch: Faithful Should Have More Children to Repopulate Russia

The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has called upon the faithful to have more children in order to repopulate their vast nation.

“What's the good of having economy, if our nation is sick?” said Patriarch Kirill. “How will we reclaim these boundless spaces, vast lands, not only in European part of Russia, but in Siberia as well?”

Heartened by news that Russia’s birthrate has increased, he added, “We hope this tendency will be stable and our people rather than strangers with alien culture and alien faith will inhabit our vast lands inherited from God and our hardworking forefathers and this greatest treasure-- our land-- will be cultivated by descendants of those who merged it to the great Russian state.”

Russia’s population has declined by nearly 7 million since 1991.

Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Russia...they'd do well just to locally adopt all the kids in their orphanages. We adopted two Russians 10 years ago...the US Embassy was a madhouse of people like us getting docs for our kids, although that's slowed way down, I think.

    Which may mean they're just piling up again in the detski doms.
