
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Response to Our Waldo Lydecker - Lindsay Thompson Expose

Lindsay T. Thompson (right), presenting the Best New Director
Award at the 2003 Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival.

We were staggered by the interest and response yesterday to our expose of disbarred attorney Lindsay T. Thompson, previously known in the South Carolina blogosphere by his pseudonym, Waldo Lydecker.

Several bloggers wrote their own stories; it was/is included on the PNN and SC Hotline aggregators; and our traffic for the day broke our previous record. Interest was particularly high in Fayetteville, and we even had a reader from Rwanda. But most gratifying were all but one of the many messages we received online and offline.

It gives no pleasure to write such an expose. We didn't pick the fight. In fact, only a few weeks ago our subject ridiculed us for being "supine." Now that the truth is known, we hope it will result in a blogosphere that better reflects our state's traditions of civility, courtesy and esteem for "the permanent things."

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