
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sanford Says SC Will Not Help Implement Socialized Medicine

From Bloomburg Business Week
By Meg Kinnard

South Carolina will not operate a new, high-risk health insurance pool for people unable to get private coverage, Gov. Mark Sanford said Friday, leaving the administration of such a program up to the federal government.

"It represents yet another extension on unfunded mandates coming from Washington to South Carolina," said Sanford, a Republican, who said he had made his decision known in a letter sent to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

The high-risk pools for those unable to obtain private insurance are part of federal health care reform signed last month by President Barack Obama. States have until the end of the day Friday to tell Washington if they'll operate their own pools or defer implementation and oversight to the federal government.

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