
Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Solemnity of Pentecost

Choir and Congregation, Notre-Dame de Paris - "Veni Creator Spiritus"

Atlanta Symphony and Chorus - "The Heavens are Telling" - F. J. Haydn


  1. Dan, the Veni Creator was magnificent. A little taste of heaven.

    The thunderous response of the congregation to the choir was just awe-inspiring.

    Thank you for finding this. We will be talking about this on our blog!

  2. Thanks very much, Julie; I am glad you enjoyed it. I chose that video because of the wonderful examples of congregational singing in France that you have posted at New York Catholics.

    These French videos and my experience of Polish congregations make me think that Thomas Day's thesis in "Why Catholics Can't Sing" is correct. It is the influence of the Irish in American Catholicism that accounts for why American Catholics can't (or won't) sing.

    A blessed Pentecost to you, Rob, and all your family.

  3. I read "Why Catholics Can't Sing" about 20 years ago...

    I remember from my pre V2 childhood that the congregation sang well. But all the old music that was sung got replaced by new music that wasn't. My current parish uses the old stuff, and even my visiting Southern Baptist business partner remarked on the robust Catholic singing.
