
Monday, June 7, 2010

Alinsky Infiltrates the Church

As an optimist, I have a glimmer of hope that liberals will someday see the error of their ways. I’d like nothing more than for democrats to realize that the party they once loved, the party of JFK, is no longer the party that they vote for- wanting them, in effect, to “wake up and smell the coffee.”

It’s also time for those of us who are conservative Catholics to “wake up and smell the coffee” about the Catholic Church.

Just a warning: The coffee is very strong.

The priest scandal is old news. It’s a horrible, black mark on our Church’s soul and will be for years to come. But the pedophilia is not the only issue that Catholics should be concerned about, not the only reason to be outraged at the modern-day Church. We need to look into the financial dealings inside of this religious structure to expose lies, deceit, and actions that are diabolically opposed to what the Church is supposed to represent.

Something, you might say, “ain’t right.”

Unfortunately, we must once again start with Saul Alinsky, the original “community organizer” and a guy who wrote the now infamous book, “Rules for Radicals.”

Alinsky dedicated this book to “Lucifer, the first community organizer.”

That, alone, gives you a pretty good sense of this man.

What you need to know about Alinsky is that he was a radical socialist. He wanted strong revolutionaries to infiltrate cities and take over power from the evil corporations, giving it back to the people. He believed that poor people had to “rise up” and take what belonged to them. He’s been quoted as saying, “To hell with charity. The only thing you’ll get is what you’re strong enough to get.”

OK, so where does this tie in with the Church?

CCHD (The Campaign For Human Development) is a non-profit program run by the Catholic Bishops (USCCB). What isn’t well-known is that CCHD and ACORN are kissing-cousins of sort. Both began at the same time and both are off-shoots of Saul Alinsky’s ideology. CCHD sells itself as a mainstream Christian charity that “addresses the root causes of poverty in America”, but it is actually a funding tool for Alinsky inspired organizations.

You see, when the basket in church comes around and asks parishoners to give money “to the poor”, the money is actually going to support organizations which want to further the communist/socialist agenda in this country. For years, the Catholic Church was funding ACORN through this program, in fact, in the past decade, over $7.3 Million was given to ACORN from the CCHD.

This was money which Catholics believed was going to help the needy.

When ACORN was exposed, the Catholic Church was forced to stop the funding, but they still continue to fund other Alinsky organizations like the Midwest Academy, the Industrial Areas Foundation, PICO, DART, and the Gamaliel Foundation.

What do these organizations do?

Alinsky headed up the Industrial Areas Foundation until his death and called it “a school for professional radicals.” It is now run by an ex-seminarian.

The Midwest Academy is run by two Alinsky-taught socialists. According to David Horowitz of the Freedom Center, the academy “teaches radical activists tactics of direct action, targeting, confrontation, and intimidation.” Midwest promotes itself as a school committed to progressive, social change.

PICO was founded in 1972 by a Jesuit priest who was trained in Alinsky techniques. It is a training school for activists. This year PICO has worked with other organizations “to encourage churchgoers to campaign for a government takeover of the nation’s healthcare system.”

Why is the Catholic Church supporting these radical organizations? Former Treasury Secretary William E. Simon, served on the board of the Capital Research Center and wondered the same thing. He complained in the late 1980’s that CCHD was funding “radical left-wing political activism in the United States, rather than traditional types of charities.”

I called the Archdiocese in Minnesota and asked to speak with someone who could tell me where exactly the money they collected in the name of CCHD was going. I was given a woman in the “Social Justice” department. She told me, “Yes, we DO give money to Gamaliel, PICO, and a few others. They do such good work.” As I told her about the “work” these organizations actually do, she hung up on me.


Just last week we heard rumblings from the Bishops of Los Angeles, Salt Lake, and Arizona, who were opposed to the new immigration law. They called the law, “draconian” and called upon the Administration to “review its impact on civil rights and liberties.” They made it clear that the Administration must include amnesty as a central component of any new law.

Now Nancy Pelosi has come out insisting that bishops and priests “speak from the pulpit” about immigration reform. The same woman who has tried to get God out of every aspect of our lives suddenly wants the help of the Church to advance her amnesty cause.

Hey Nancy, what happened to separation of church and state?

To add salt to the wound, CCHD, along with the Bishops Conference (USCCB) helped to finance and support the “May Day” rally in front of the White House. Both organizations are listed as financial supporters of the radical group CASA de Maryland, an illegal alien support group which helps to facilitate illegals into the Maryland area.

In 2006-2007, CCDH gave $40,000 to CASA. This is money taken directly from the parishoners at Catholic churches, money which is supposed to go “to the poor.”

It is instead used to help illegal immigrants, including those who are violent drug dealers and gang members, march for “their rights.”

Money from Catholics is going to help protest against our own country.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, folks. Look into the policies of the Catholic Church and you will find that along with the bishops, SEIU is sitting at the conference table, helping to negotiate Catholic Labor policy.


These same bishops (USCCB) supported the Health Care Bill, despite the fact that it was passed with language that still supported abortion. What happened to their moral fiber?

ACORN, SEIU, CASA, IAF, PICO, DART, the Gamaliel Foundation……..

What’s going on? How did Saul Alinsky and his radicals infiltrate our Church?

And what are we going to do about it now that we know?

Putting our head in the sand in the name of “being a good Catholic” will not solve the problem. We need to stand up to the corruption and demand to know why our Church has succumbed to the evil of a man who dedicated his book to Lucifer. We need to know how a Church, which professes to stand for “Life” can support organizations which are so-far Left that they support infanticide and other Maoist tactics.

We need to know.

And we need to educate others.

We ask liberals to wake up.

It’s time that we wake up, too.


  1. Yeah, we called the ArchMcDiocese Social Justice Office and got a brushoff there as well. I just wanted to know if they got all their money from one collection a year or what.

    I suggest calling Dennis McGrath, the Communications Director there, he might even have a prepared and meaningless bromide for you, or as he usually does, he'll just get defensive and hang up.

    I'm very glad there are people out there trying to bring this to everyone's attention. I haven't given money to my government subsidized Archdiocese in years.

  2. Hello,

    We are going to start a boycott of the San Diego Diocese shortly.

    We are organizing and putting the plan in place.

    Lets see this grow to all Diocese's. The only way to stop them or have them listen to us is via the checkbook.


