
Monday, June 14, 2010

The Democrat Double Standard: 'Clean' Marxists vs. Black Vets

It is remarkable to see all this Democrat hand-wringing over the Democrat Senate candidate in South Carolina who won with 60% of the vote. And it illuminates the racism and the "very different strokes" that exist for an affluent, well-connected Marxist who went to all the best schools, and in the words of Joe Biden, "is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," and a poor, not so articulate, military veteran.

Keith Olbermann and Jim Clyburn tell us their party's choice needs to answer questions about his background and where he got the filing fee. The impertinence of the man to think he could run for the United States Senate without receiving their imprimatur!

Where, we ask, are their questions about Barack Obama's background? Where are the questions about what motivates him to spend millions in legal fees to conceal documents that most Americans are required to present when they register to vote or obtain a passport? Why have they not explored the friendship and mentoring by Communist Frank Marshall Davis? Why do they resent anyone asking who paid for Obama's very expensive private and ivy league education? How and why was he admitted to Harvard in the first place? Why did Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton intervene to get him admitted to Harvard, when Obama did not have grades that were competitive for Harvard? Why are his school and medical records sealed? What explains the array of Social Security numbers Obama has used; none of them issued to residents of Hawaii.These and many other questions about Obama's mysterious past remain unanswered, and those who raise them are ridiculed as "birthers."

We know Obama has a lot to hide, just as there is much we don't yet know about Alvin Greene; but the Democrat Party's double standard reeks of hypocrisy and class discrimination.

If a black man is not part of the radical elite, or is a struggling military vet, he rides in the back of the Democrat Party bus.

1 comment:

  1. How about Rawl today: a computer glitch! I love it! I can't wait to see how Carol Fowler et al finesse this one. If their smoking gun is going to be the computers I'll want to know their proof.

    I'm not fussing at Rawl, he has my sympathy.
