
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Elena Kagan Demanded Sex-Change Operations and Bathroom Access as 'Equal Rights' for Cross-Dressing Harvard Students

While serving as Dean of Harvard Law School, Kagan's administration demanded and forced Blue-Cross, Blue-Shield to cover sex-change operations as an "equal right" paid benefit, harming gender-confused students, as confirmed in 2006 and 2008 by Harvard Crimson newspaper articles.

Kagan also offered sympathetic ear to lesbian group Lambda's Transgender Task Force demand to force all women to share public bathrooms and locker-rooms with cross-dressing men, which is now part of Harvard's dormitory policy, according to the report.

"This is further proof Elena Kagan cannot be trusted to impartially rule on Obamacare or bathroom bills like ENDA, since she believes sin is a Constitutional right," said Chaplain Klingenschmitt, "but rights come from God, who never grants the right to sin."

Excerpts from the breaking news report, with links to original proof sources, are now posted online at, with further support at

Concerned citizens are encouraged to sign a petition which will be automatically faxed to 100 Senators encouraging them to filibuster and vote against Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court, at

1 comment:

  1. With apologies to Mario Vargas Llosa, the Left is a sick body: wherever one presses a finger, pus comes out.
