
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Emma Kirkby - "Laudate Dominum" - W. A. Mozart

In selecting today's hymn, I wanted to find the best possible complement to the homily I also posted today by my dear and esteemed former pastor, Father Franklyn McAfee. He eloquently explains that the Triune God "created beauty, sustains beauty, and is beauty." Emma Kirkby's sublime voice and Mozart's ineffable music reflect that truth and provide a glimpse of heaven. 


  1. I always wondered what Emma Kirkby looked like. About 30 years ago I belonged to the Musical Heritage Society. One month I saw a newly listed LP called A Feather on the Breath of God with Emma Kirkby. Based on nothing but the title I ordered it. That was my introduction to Hildegard of Bingen and Kirkby.

    Later I bought the CD, and still play it a couple of times a year.

  2. I was pleasantly surprised just now to find a nice selection of Kirkby songs at YouTube.

  3. Thanks for sharing, K. I found the one posted looking for Mozart, but am looking forward to hearing some of the other recordings. There are so many great things available on YouTube these days. I only wish they would find a way to extend the 10 minute limit for the quality things.
