
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Harris: Obama Knew of Blagojevich Plot

Blago trial reveals price of Senate appointment for president-elect's friend

"Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power."
- George Bernard Shaw -

From The Chicago Sun-Times

By Natasha Korecki

A top aide to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich said he believed Barack Obama knew of Blagojevich's plot to win himself a presidential Cabinet post in exchange for appointing Valerie Jarrett to the U.S. Senate.

John Harris, Blagojevich's former chief of staff, testified Wednesday in the former governor's corruption trial that three days after the Nov. 4, 2008, presidential election, the ex-governor told Harris he felt confident Obama knew he wanted to swap perks.

"The president understands that the governor would be willing to make the appointment of Valerie Jarrett as long as he gets what he's asked for. . . . The governor gets the Cabinet appointment he's asked for," Harris said, explaining a recorded call.

Harris said Blagojevich came away believing Obama knew what he wanted after having a conversation with a local union representative, who in turn spoke with labor leader Tom Balanoff, with whom Blagojevich met to discuss a Jarrett appointment. Jarrett, now a White House adviser, was seeking the appointment to Obama's Senate seat.

Defense lawyers say Harris' testimony contradicts the government's previous public statements that Obama knew nothing about deal-making involving the Senate seat appointment.

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1 comment:

  1. Sit back and take a moment to look at the big picture.

    Here you have a governor of a major state and its U.S. Senator, now the president, lying, scheming, breaking the law. And the one who is president still refused to prove that he was American born -- a proposition that I'm growing to doubt more & more each day.

    Scroll up a litte further on this blog site and see who is being nominated to a life time position on the U.S. Supreme Court. It's the highly unqualified, highly unrepresentative of the America, Elena Kagan, a NYC Westside ultraliberal.

    And this sickness is not isolated within the Democratic Party although that is where its epicenter is.

    Look at John McCain, the GOP presidential nominee in '08.

    McCain has been not only calling for amnesty for illegal aliens for at least four years now but he has been champoning the cause! But now that he's in a primary fight, he claims he's never been for such a thing. Amazing.

    Does McCain think people are stupid? Yes, he does ... and he's probably right.

    We could go on and on and on with such examples, but you get the point. And the point is that the American political class is rotten to the core, and how dare we allow people like Obama, McCain, and the rest of them run our lives.

    If this is permitted, the Republic is dead.

    This does not necessarily mean that we'll be enslaved by these despicable people with their twisted view of the Constitution and America, but it could mean a dissolving of the glue that holds American society together. Oh yes.
