
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hayworth Calls on McCain to Admit He Knows Convicted Fundraiser, Return Money, Promise to Take No More Dirty Money

J. D. Hayworth has the momentum in his race against the ethics plagued McCain

U.S. Senate Candidate J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) today said he is dismayed by claims that Sen. John McCain does not know McCain's number one contributor who is now serving 50 years in prison.

Hayworth called on McCain to admit he knows Scott Rothstein, the convicted Ponzi scheme artist, return all the dirty money he received over the years from investment scams, and promise to return and reject contributions from shady characters.

"Sen. McCain likes to talk about how character matters, how political leaders must rise above even the appearance of impropriety," Hayworth said. "It's time his actions match his rhetoric. It's time for him to clean his own house and start acting like a U.S. Senator."

Over the last week, five known and alleged Ponzi scheme runners who contributed to Sen. John McCain have come to light. Two are in jail. Three have been charged by authorities with profiting from elaborate con operations and some of the money was used to fund McCain and other political campaigns.

Even though Rothstein funneled over $1.1 million to McCain through a bundling loophole, McCain purportedly "could not pick him out of a lineup," according to the Senator's spokesman.

"That flies in the face of all logic and is an insult to the intelligence of Arizona voters," Hayworth said. "Sen. McCain is trying to cover up his relationship with this convicted felon, but the ties are too deep. Rothstein was the number one contributor to the McCain Victory 2008 committee and the number one contributor to the McCain-Palin Victory 2008 committee.

"Sen. McCain is pictured with Rothstein several times, been to his house to raise money, and even instructed his staff to set up a separate accounting system to track Rothstein's $1.1 million in political contributions," Hayworth said.

Rothstein's chief operating officer, who pleaded guilty to involvement in the Ponzi scheme, gave McCain $30,000. McCain was given additional political contributions by at least three other alleged Ponzi scheme artists who are now facing criminal charges.

"The money needs to be returned," Hayworth said. "If his donors are criminals who swindled money out of innocent victims to McCain's benefit, McCain should return all the dirty money to help the victims - not just a portion of it.

"And he needs to rise to a higher standard and publically apologize for taking and spending money obtained through illegal activity," Hayworth said.

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