
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Marital Cooling: Gore's to Separate after 40 Years of Marriage, Planet Threatened

Two households, separate utility usage, separate land use, separate laundry loads, separate sewage, separate travel, mean this couple will be greatly increasing their considerable carbon footprints. The increasingly obese Al is already putting great stress on the planet and threatening polar bears. We'll be eager to hear his plans for carbon offsets.

Will there be a sequel to the Gore-inspired novel, "Love Story," ... and who gets custody of the Internet?

Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, are separating after 40 years of marriage.

According to an e-mailed statement obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday, the Gores said it was "a mutual and mutually supportive decision that we have made together following a process of long and careful consideration."

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1 comment:

  1. I want to hear Tipper's side of it, and I want to hear it NOW!
