
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

National Catholic Group Issues 2010 Endorsements; Catholic Supporters of Obamacare Targeted

CFA Executive Director: "Should we succeed in ensuring that the majority of Catholic elected leaders actually vote like Catholics, then the whole country will benefit."

Today, on the feast day of the organization's patron saints, St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher, Catholic Families for America PAC issued its endorsements in more than 30 U.S. House races and in 12 U.S. Senate races. The organization is one of the largest groups of lay Catholics in the nation, and the only group of conservative Catholics to do so.

"For all people of faith, not just Roman Catholics, we recognize that our republic is at a crossroads," said Dr. Kevin Roberts, executive director of the group. "We can continue the politics of self-promotion, high taxation, and the insidious undermining of the culture of life, or we can get back on the road to virtuous, limited government."

Roberts also commented that his organization is purposefully targeting Catholic members of Congress who voted for pro-abortion Obamacare. He said, "Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, who the Church honors today, provide poignant examples for modern-day Catholics in fighting apostasy and government corruption."

All of the endorsed candidates fit with CFA's key policy objectives, which include preservation of the sanctity of life, pro-family tax policies, traditional marriage, and education reform. Candidates need not be Catholic in order to secure the organization's endorsement. The list of candidates can be found at the group's website (

Catholic Families for America is building state and local chapters across the country, to better facilitate what it calls its Catholic-Get-Out-The-Vote (CGOTV) efforts. CFA has offices in Austin, Texas, and Washington, D.C.

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