
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Prince Charles Lauds Islamic Approach to Ecology

When we read the following about this insufferable pain,
we thought of his dutiful mother; "LONG MAY SHE REIGN!"

From Catholic World News

England's Prince Charles, speaking to an audience at Oxford, has recommended a return to the "spiritual principles" of the world's great religions, as a means of curbing environmental damage. Prince Charles-- who is heir to the throne, and thus to the title of head of the Church of England-- cited the Qu'ran as a model of environmental consciousness, saying that the Islamic faith sees "no separation between man and nature."

Source(s): these links will take you to other sites, in a new window.

1 comment:

  1. I have often marveled that a non-Western religion/ philosophy such as Islam should be leading the vanguard of ecological sensitivity in its most holistic sense: living in harmony with not just Nature but also with one's fellow man & all that.
