
Friday, June 11, 2010

Pro-Homosexuality Anglicans Seek U.S. Government Help

Defrocked Ugandan Bishop Christopher Senyonjo was brought
to the US to push the Episcopal Church's Gay Agenda

From the Institute on Religion and Democracy

Decrying as "missionaries of hate" U.S. Christians who preach in Africa against homosexual practice, a former bishop of the Anglican Church of Uganda has called upon western countries to use their influence to promote acceptance of homosexuality in Africa.

During his appearance in Washington, Christopher Senyonjo was hosted by Bishop Gene Robinson of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, the first openly homosexual bishop in the Anglican Communion. The two spoke at the liberal Center for American Progress about anti-homosexuality legislation in Uganda, which they blamed on U.S. evangelicals. They also called for a broader effort to decriminalize homosexual practices in Africa. Senyonjo's appearance at CAP was part of a six-week speaking tour of the United States, sponsored by Integrity USA, an unofficial homosexual caucus in the Episcopal Church.

While Senyonjo has been removed from the Episcopate by the Church of Uganda, he continues to portray himself as an Anglican bishop. During his visit, Senyonjo was scheduled to meet at the White House with foreign policy officials of President Obama's administration.

A talk on June 8 between Robinson and Senyonjo began with opening remarks from Michael Posner, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Posner said he was there to "lend the support of the U.S. government to this very important subject."

"LGBT rights are human rights and we are working on a daily basis to promote them as we would any other human rights," Posner said.

"Where I hope we are headed is to discover the enormous diversity in human sexuality," Robinson said. "Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were as many sexualities as there are human beings?"

IRD Anglican Spokesman Jeff Walton commented:

"Not content to compel Americans to surrender to their agenda of constantly fluid notions of gender and sex, liberal Episcopalians who resent Africa's traditionalist beliefs now want the U.S. Government to compel poor African societies to bend to permissive, secular Western mores.

"These same liberal Episcopalians and other U.S. religionists are often indifferent to international religious persecution, even when churches around the world are under attack. For them, seemingly sexual freedom is more important than religious freedom."

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