
Monday, June 21, 2010

Rahm Traded Favors with Blago: Report

hen we heard yesterday that Rahm (Dead Fish) Emanuel will be leaving his position of White House Chief-of-Staff,
we suspected that news probably had something to do with information flowing from the trial of fellow Chicago thug Rod Blagojevich. Indeed, before a 24 hour news cycle had past, "good reasons" had given way to "real reasons." The corruption of the man is about to be revealed, and we doubt very much that Emanuel will be the only White House thug exposed.

Revelations about the slime of Chicago politics and politicians will be flowing like the BP spill before this trial ends.

Truth is the daughter of time, and it will be good for America to learn once again that character matters and that it is best to know the backgrounds of those to whom we entrust the highest offices in the land.

While a congressman, Emanuel asked for trades with embattled gov.

Emanuel is viewed as something of a native son, his rise through  the ranks of American politics celebrated by Israelis who reveled in  details such as his childhood summers spent in Israel and his volu
Getty Images
From NBC Chicago
By John O'Conner

President Barack Obama's chief of staff, then a congressman in Illinois, apparently attempted to trade favors with embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich while he was in office, according to newly disclosed e-mails obtained by The Associated Press.

Emanuel agreed to sign a letter to the Chicago Tribune supporting Blagojevich in the face of a scathing editorial by the newspaper that ridiculed the governor for self-promotion. Within hours, Emanuel's own staff asked for a favor of its own: The release of a delayed $2 million grant to a school in his district.

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