
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Reports of CCHD Malfeasance Sent Directly to Bishops Before Upcoming Meeting

The coalition working to reform the U.S Catholic bishops' anti-poverty organization, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, has sent each American bishop and diocesan pro-life director in the U.S., detailed reports on the continuing corrupt and radically leftist purposes of many CCHD grantees.

Compiled by Michael Hichborn of American Life League (ALL) and Robert Gasper of Bellarmine Veritas Ministry (BVM), the reports show that almost 50 grantees still receiving funds from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development remain involved in activities directly opposed to Catholic moral and social teachings.

"We wanted to make sure every bishop can review the facts for himself, because we still hear people saying that all of the problems with the CCHD have been fixed. But we can prove that such claims are not true," said Hichborn, ALL's senior researcher. "We believe that our bishops are doing the best they can with the information they have. We just want to make sure that they have the most up-to-date information as they go into their June meeting."

RCN noted that, during the U.S. bishops' upcoming meeting (June 11-13), the CCHD will be discussed in light of a report recently compiled by Bishop David Zubik of the Pittsburgh diocese.

"Good things have started to happen with the CCHD, and there appears to be momentum toward real reform," said Gasper, president of BVM. "It has become clear that the problems can't be solved merely by defunding individual groups that have been identified as opposing Church teaching. This is why we continue to respectfully call for a complete reform of the CCHD."

"We simply ask our bishops to prayerfully review the information presented, considering how such systemic problems occurred and what the most prudent way forward is for the CCHD," said Stephen Phelan, communications manager for RCN member Human Life International.

1 comment:

  1. I'm shocked, shocked! Aren't you shocked, too? Of course you are. All us Cat'lics are all just as shocked as we can be.
