
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Trooping the Colour 2010 Highlights

The Trooping the Colour is the official celebration of the British Sovereign's birthday, and is always held on a Saturday in June. This year's ceremony was on June 12, and included The Grenadier Guards, The Scots Guards, The Coldstream Guards and approximately 400 assembled military band musicians from The Coldstreams, Grenadiers, Irish and Welsh bands.

Trooping the Colour is carried out by fully trained and operational troops from the Household Division (Foot Guards and Household Cavalry) on Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall, watched by members of the Royal Family, invited guests and members of the public.

Following is video of the Queen's (then Princess Elizabeth) first Trooping the Colour in 1951:


  1. Elizabeth was such a pretty thing.

  2. Yes, she was pretty.
    I guess being an American and never having an official ruling class and royal family, the concept of Kings and Queens leaves me a bit uninterested in them.
    If is difficult for me to become accustom to the thought that someone, by birth right, is entitled to luxury, a royal title, and the right to "rule" a nation for the rest of their lives.
    I do respect the people of England and their desire to maintain a Royal family. A lot of tradition and history there.
    To me, they are a slight curiosity.
