Smoky Mountains Sunrise

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

White House Summons US General to Explain Himself

A General and Commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan who voted for Obama and shares inside gossip on the pages of Rolling Stone magazine -- it seems to us he and The One deserve each other.

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan has been summoned to Washington to explain derogatory comments about President Barack Obama and his colleagues, administration officials said Tuesday.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who publicly apologized Tuesday for using "poor judgment" in an interview in Rolling Stone magazine, has been ordered to attend the monthly White House meeting on Afghanistan and Pakistan in person Wednesday rather than over a secure video teleconference, according to officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. He'll be expected to explain his comments to Obama and top Pentagon officials, these officials said.

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