
Monday, July 5, 2010

America Rising: An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians

We never expected the Obama regime to be anything but what it is - a corrupt, tax cheating network of Marxist thugs who despise all that is good in America, and are determined to undermine our Constitution, our freedoms, our economic system, and our leadership in the world. They even reserve the right to assassinate US citizens.

On the day of the thug's inauguration, we posted Chopin's Funeral March, because anyone listening knew that this lot meant the destruction of an America most Americans cherish. We regret that time has proven us right. But this video speaks powerfully for all the newly aroused Tea Party patriots who are determined to reclaim our nation, and roll back the socialism and the web of laws and executive orders that strike at the moral and legal foundations of our country.
This November may be our last chance to save America from a new dark age.

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