
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Senate Candidates Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dan Coats (R-IN), and Ken Buck (R-CO) Sign the “Contract from America”

While South Carolina's rogue Senator, Lindsey Graham, is wringing his hands worrying about what the Tea Party movement intends to do with power, real conservative leaders are stepping up to the plate and embracing a ten point plan to restore individual liberty, limited government, and economic freedom

The Contract from America Foundation announced today that Senate Candidates Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dan Coats (R-IN), and Ken Buck (R-CO) have joined over 130 Senate and Congressional candidates nationwide by listening to the wishes of their constituents and signing the “Contract from America,” a Main Street grassroots legislative blueprint for 2010 and beyond.

In signing this bottom-up call for economic conservative and good governance reform, Marco Rubio stated: “I’m proud to sign the Contract From America, which is a restatement of the principles and values that have made America exceptional for centuries and that are needed in Washington today. At a time when Washington is spending money that we don’t even have to expand government, the Contract From America is a reminder that America deserves leaders who will be a check and balance on the direction this president and Congress are pursuing.”

Ken Buck further noted: “This contract reflects my conservative values and record. I’m proud to stand-up with grassroots Americans as we fight the Washington establishment.”

The Contract from America is not a list handed down from on high by old-bull politicians, but one handed up from the true grassroots in this country. After garnering nearly half a million votes in less than two months, the Contract from America is a blueprint that will serve notice to public officials about what the people want for their future.

Ryan Hecker, one of the organizers of the Contract from America, elaborated: “These candidates, by signing the Contract from America, have shown themselves to be true champions of Main Street values. They have illustrated that, if elected, they will listen to their constituents and be grassroots conservative leaders in the Senate.”

When voting was completed, the top ten planks in the Contract from America were: (1) Protect the Constitution; (2) Reject Cap and Trade; (3) Demand a Balanced Budget; (4) Enact Fundamental Tax Reform; (5) Restore Fiscal Responsibility and Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington; (6) End Runaway Government Spending; (7) Defund, Repeal, and Replace Government-run Health Care; (8) Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above” Energy Policy; (9) Stop the Pork; and (10) Stop the Tax Hikes.

More information about the candidates who have signed this Main Street Agenda is available at the Contract from America’s website,

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