
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Boy Scouts Respond Lustily to Obama Recorded Message

He was just minutes away from the 100th Boy Scout National Jamboree, marking that organization's century of service to America and the building of character in young men. However, it says volumes about the illegitimate thug in the White House that he chose instead to spend time with the ladies (sp?) of The View. Trustworthiness, loyalty, much less reverence, just aren't ACORN values.

The Boy Scouts obviously have the moral clarity to recognize a scoundrel. Here they respond to his recorded message:

1 comment:

  1. A sad moment for the boys and the partisan adults who led them in such a sad show of disrespect for a U.S. President.

    Our Scouts are taught that "A Scout is Courteous", as follows:

    "The essential element of courtesy, as well as of affection, is respect. But only when respect is expressed, in words, by manner, or by act, -- with grace and cheerfulness -- does it become courtesy. Grace is a charm or pleasantness, associated with something said or done when it is said or done with transparent sincerity and pleasure, -- not as a disagreeable duty, but as a happy privilege."

    I pray that this orcestrated display violating so much of what Scouting stands for was limited to this small, egged-on section of a crowd, and that we're not being "tea-bagged" again with a twisted portrayal of what actually happened.
