
Monday, August 16, 2010

End the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars Before They Bankrupt the US

When we were asked to reprint the following article, we consulted a friend involved with budget matters in the Pentagon. We were assured of the rightness of the following arguments when our Pentagon contact agreed with the position of Ministry Values.

We have been "hawks" all of our lives, but there is no question that playing policeman, banker, and Santa Claus to the whole world is bankrupting our country. Catholic anti-war mission - Peace and fiscal responsibility will make America strong


By Stephen K. Ryan

The United State's involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq is not about safe guarding the American people and protecting lives - it is about MONEY, it's about the looting of our nation's wealth by corporate arms-merchants, it's about careers, and getting the American tax payers to fund the perpetual war machine -no questions asked. does not need nor want the American Military to continue to spend billions and billions of dollars fighting illiterate tribesman. It is a waste of our country's treasure.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently announced that "Increasing health care costs, a top-heavy uniformed and civilian management force, and big-ticket weapons systems are swelling the military's budget at an "unsustainable" rate. The gusher has been turned off, and will stay off for a good period of time."

The gusher has been turned off, and will stay off for a good period of time? That is a remarkable statement of excess and waste but it seems that American citizens of all stripes, Red State/Blue State, Christians and Catholics from both the Left and Right, don't really seem to care.

The point that is missed by the main stream press as well is the complete lack of outrage at this admission. The United States tax payer has handed over a blank check to the leaders of our Armed Services with no strings attached and have gotten virtullay nothing in return except a higher national debt. According to the Washington Post, The United States Department of Defense, for the last ten years, has blown billions of dollars buying anything and everything that could be dreamed up by military "consultants" regardless of its military effectiveness and value.

What troubles us is the United States military has not only admitted to its foolish and outrageous spending but has now essentially admitted that its spending spree has ironically put the United States in a postures of weakness due to country's deteriorating financial position.

This is an astonishing admission by military top brass yet the main stream press has simply allowed those in charge of protecting our country to get away with a "My Bad".

Where is the outrage by baby boomers, college students, people of faith and the "greatest generation" who fought WWII.

Often, on the same day, in the same paper, American citizens will encounter news articles about the cost of fighting the war in Afghanistan right next to articles about our bankrupt social security and medicare programs. Nobody seems to grasp that the United States Military today is spending the entitlements promised to us in our future. Baby Boomers are going to wake up soon, ala Greece, with the shocking news that their social security benefits are going to be cut or their retirement age extended. is no pacifist, quite the contray, we are realists and we are convinced that runaway spending on war toys and military careers is making the United States weaker not stronger. We are outraged at the irresponisiblity of our Congress, the White house and the Department of Defense.

The Washington Post recently reported: "Tall concrete blast walls, like those that surround the Green Zone, are seemingly everywhere. Checkpoints supervised by U.S. soldiers have been erected on all major roads leading into the city. Residents are being urged to apply for new identification cards that require them to have their retinas scanned and their fingerprints records "If you don't have control of the population, you can't secure the population," said Brig. Gen. Frederick Hodges, director of operations for the NATO regional command in southern Afghanistan. General Hodges sounds like Robert "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" Duval in Apocalypse Now rounding up gooks in a Vietnam village.

We read the article and thought: "eye scans for illiterate people that ride donkeys?' We are paying for this? We are paying millions of dollars for some program that will be long forgotten in a couple of years while our local governments shut down their school music programs. Hilary Clinton is building the most expensive embassy in history , in Iraq, and children in U.S. public schools have to pay new "fees" to keep their after school acitivities and sports programs running. This mind set of the Defense industry is the mind set of an irresponsible teenage girl on a shopping spree with daddy's credit card and it is bankrupting the United States of America and nobody seems to be paying attention. hopes to change that.

We hope to be the most visible Catholic site in the United States dedicated to peace, and an end to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq before American defense officials spend the United States into oblivion. believes a financially strong America is a strong America.

Please let us know what you think and join us also on

1 comment:

  1. There are no wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    What wars existed in those places ended a number of years back with U.S. military victories.

    The exercise that we're now engaged in is nation building which is a fool errant and which is, among many other things, bankrupting the U.S. [I wrote 'bankrupting' but that's the wrong tense. I should say, 'bankrupted.']
